
Kendore Learning has developed an extensive collection of resources for teachers, tutors and parents. All of our materials are engaging, easy to use, and support structured literacy based, multisensory learning.

Shop our online store for state-of-the-art learning games, sensory tools and materials:

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Kendore Scratch & Dent Giveaway!

We are giving away Scratch & Dent Kendore Kit tins to teachers for free for a short time! We want our tins to go to a good classroom, so first come, first served! They may not look perfect, but they’re perfectly usable. 🙂 Click the link below & fill out our form to receive up to two sets of 3 Scratch & Dent Kendore Kit tins. Tins will come with Kendore Smart Sand. We have a limited number of Scratch & Dent tins available. Our Kendore Kits are great for classroom centers, one-on-one, or small-group instruction!

Please note: Teachers will pay for the cost of shipping the tins to their school. Tins will not be shipped until an invoice for shipping has been paid. This offer is only available to teachers in the contiguous United States. We will not accept POs or checks. Each set of 3 is valued at $39.95.

Scratch & Dent Giveaway Form