Indiana Authorized Reading Specialist Trained in Dyslexia

Kendore Learning’s training and curriculum have been approved to meet the Indiana Department of Education’s requirements for educators to receive a certificate for “Authorized Reading Specialist Trained in Dyslexia.”  Participants who attend our training will understand the characteristics of dyslexia, and how to identify dyslexia using assessment tools and classroom observations. Participants will leave with all the materials and tools they need to teach the Kendore Kingdom, a complete Structured Literacy curriculum. Topics addressed include the following:

  • Phonemic AwarenessKendore Kingdom Reading Curriculum Teacher Training
  • Alphabetic Principle (Phonics)
  • High-Frequency Words
  • Vocabulary
  • Fluency
  • Comprehension
  • Spelling

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  I see several courses on your website; which ones meet IDOE’s requirements for Dyslexia Reading Specialist?

A:  The Kendore Kingdom Part 1 Reading and Spelling Workshop meets the IDOE requirements to become a certified Authorized Reading Specialist trained in Dyslexia.

View Our Current Workshop Schedule

Q:  Senate Bill 217 requires our school to provide initial dyslexia screening during the school year. Does Kendore Learning’s program provide a screening tool?                                                                                                                

A: All Kendore Learning training workshops enable teachers to understand and identify readers in need of intervention. You will learn the common characteristics of dyslexic students at each age and how to spot students at risk for reading failure including:

  • Kendore Learning Dylsexia Simulation helps teachers understand what it's like to struggle to read.Deficits in phonemic awareness and difficulty associating letters with sounds
  • Failure to understand words are broken into smaller parts
  • Deficits in acquiring reading comprehension strategies and applying them to reading text
  • Difficulty developing and maintaining motivation to learn to read

Learn More About Dyslexia

Q:  Kendore Learning courses are very competitively priced. Are materials and training one price?         

A: Yes, Kendore Learning workshops provide training, curriculum, and extensive multisensory materials for one price. We want teachers feeling fully prepared to meet student needs when leaving our workshops — without having to purchase additional materials, or creating materials from scratch. Plus, Kendore trained teachers can return at any time for a refresher course at no charge. 

Q: We have a reading curriculum, can I use your training strategies with our existing program?  

A: Yes. While you will leave our four-day training with a teacher manual containing a complete scope and sequence for teaching, our structured literacy based strategies and materials can be used in conjunction with other reading programs.

Q:  Is your program certified? How do I know I will be getting high-quality training?

A: Not only has our program been approved by the Indiana Department of Education to meet the requirements to be certified as an Authorized Reading Specialist trained in Dyslexia, but Kendore Learning’s teacher training program is accredited by the International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council and the International Dyslexia Association. Learn More